Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our First Visit to See Our New Grandchild

And, this is the happy little family now......learning and enjoying all the wonderful things about bringing a new life into this world.
Navy blue eyes, a little bow mouth, and the most beautiful soft skin. She looks alot like Christie did in her baby pictures......but I also see a curious, precocious nature in those bright eyes just like her Daddy.

More Peyton

Shaun took some wonderful pictures of Peyton........this one takes my breath away. My mother's 83 year old hands gently wrapped around her first great-grandchild.
Okay, so I think she's perfect, she is a precious little gift from God.'s the "4" generation picture........would love to see "5" never know that Miller clan live a long time.
Daddy with his little's just a natural at this Daddy stuff too !!!

Busy Day !!!

"Bath Time"............
Tooooo cute ! And, she knows how lucky she is too, blessed with such a wonderful, loving mom.
All dressed up ready to go for a walk in her "Bob" stroller.
Wow......that was a tiring day........time for a little rest !!!

Just hanging out at the Deutsch's in Augusta

"Please Gram Gram, enough already with all the kisses"
Gretchen and Shaun found the couch quite comfortable.

Christian was the perfect host !!! Cooking fabulous, creative meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, planned great entertainment, and even challenged his mother in a game of frisbee golf......super fun too.......that's my boy.
Looks like Peyton's trying to tell her Great-Grandma and Grandpa something quite important, I'm sure.......she's so brilliant.
Peyton napping with Pa Pa.......and just a few minutes later, so was Pa Pa.

A Picnic Celebration in the Park

The park was the perfect spot to spend time sharing, laughing, and hugging with my family. It's been way too long since we've all been together.
Picture op during our stroll along the Savannah River......a little cool, but Peytie was warm and cozy. Time out for a snack !!

We had a great traditional picnic with BBQ, coleslaw, potato salad, veggies and a special cake to welcome Peyton Reese into our family, and to celebrate Mom & Dad's 65th wedding anniversary.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Guess It's Our Turn.......

Well, we don't usually get much snow in the valley......but just like everyplace else this winter, we got hit with several inches. Stepping outside in the crisp early morning air to take these pictures was incredible and the stillness was breathtaking.
Baylee enjoys the snow for just a few minutes.....mostly to do her business and then hurries back inside where it's toasty warm.
It sure was beautiful while it lasted. By the afternoon, all was melted in the valley.....but still lots and lots of snow covers the mountains.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More Peyton Reese !!!

Only 1 day old and already she's so pretty with a little pink bow in her hair posing for the camera !! Dark hair like mom and blue eyes like both mom and dad. She's so adorable.....I just want to squeeze her. Unfortunately, she's in Georgia and we're in Oregon, but we're so happy to be able to see our new grandbaby in just a few weeks. Can't wait.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'M A GRAMMA !!!!!

Just look at this beautiful little angel........minutes after birth.......and she's just perfect. Meet Peyton Reese Deutsch. Christian and Christie brought this tiny blessing into this wonderful world yesterday 1/31/2011. A ray of sunshine to brighten our lives. Perry and I are honored to be grandparents........our first.......but certainly many more to follow.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The "Real" Santa and Mrs. Claus

It's true....we found out that our best friends, Ed and Lori Taylor, are really Santa and Mrs. Claus......every year they share joy, hope, and the spirit of Christmas with all...........especially every good little girl and boy.
I do believe.........I do believe.........I was good this year, Santa.......really !!!!!!!!!!

Holiday Fun......

Since Per and I have been working our seasonal jobs 9-10 hours a day during the holiday, we were able to enjoy only a few of the Christmas events here.....this is one of the most creative displays I've ever seen at the "Festival of Trees".....snowman trees fishing!!!
We also lined the streets in the cold, with lots of others, for the "Jacksonville Victorian Christmas Parade". Local bands, dancers, old cars, people dressed in authentic victorian clothing and bagpipers playing Christmas carols got everyone in the Christmas spirit.
Baylee's photo op.....
"Please don't make me wear these goofy reindeer antlers."

Monday, November 1, 2010


Whoa....yes, here we are all dressed up for our Halloween celebration at church. It was quite different, but very interesting and so many people dressed up in some outrageous and creative costumes. We honor many different faith traditions at our church and today our minister spoke about "Samhain" or summer's end. This is a Celtic festival celebration symbolizing the end of harvest, wrapping up the old and looking forward to the new year.
It is also a service of reflection and honoring of deceased ancestors who came before us........a celebration of their memory. Perry and I realized during this service, that we really don't spend much time thinking about people who were very influential in our lives. Thanking and honoring them and remembering how important they were as ancestors of our family. We focused on Perry's father, Zoltan Robert Deutsch, and my grandmother Norine Francis Miller. Wonderful strong loving leaders of our families.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Birthday Celebration !!

Here we are all dressed up for a wonderful dinner at my favorite restaurant here in Ashland, Macaroni's. Everything was perfect.......this time we sat in the lounge area so we could also watch the "Bears" !!! I like football and didn't want to miss this game, it's my birthday...I can do what I want, right? And...if you don't know the Bears won and it was a great game. Live jazz for ambiance, great service, delicious food and I was with my best friend and love of my life.......what more could a girl want.
People don't "dress up" much's a pretty casual place. But, sometimes "dressing up" a bit makes the occasion more special. Besides, Per looks "hot" in his double breasted blazer !!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

We're Addicted !!!!

Well, I guess it's better to be addicted to bicycling than alot of other potentially harmful things out there !! We're still riding about 100 miles a week....still losing weight, getting firmer, and feeling the healthiest ever. Can't believe I'm actually putting a picture of myself on this blog in spandex........kind of scary.
Here's the skinny boy.........and his "new" bike....had to finally retire his other bike after 35 years of faithful service. After 6, lost count, flat tires and a broken spoke hub, Per finally decided to put it to rest. Fortunately, he had another frame, thanks to Christian, that needed some new tires, updated parts, and a bit of sprucing up......but good as new......still having those flats though......I had 3 also until we found out about these things here called "goat heads", it's actually part of a very pretty yellow flower/weed. They appear on the Greenway late summer to attack rider's tires with a vengence. So......we've licked that problem by staying OFF the Greenway for awhile. We've had some wonderful rides through the valleys and into the mountains........some very challenging mountains......some very painful mountains......but the views are gorgeous.

Welcome to the Elizabethan Theatre

Well, it's been a busy summer doing our "volunteer" thing !! We work the information table every Saturday night for the Green Show......some evenings we're either ushering for the Shakespeare productions in the Elizabethan or doing set-up and take-down for performers at the Green Show. We've enjoyed being involved and have met some very interesting people from many different places.....especially California.
This is the concession area of the Elizabethan. We've been fortunate to acquire free tickets this season and have seen Henry the IV, Hamlet, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Merchant of Venice, and this Sunday we're seeing 12th Night.
This is the inside of our open air Shakespeare Theatre, first one built in the United States. Designed after the Globe Theatre in London, which was built in 1599, where Shakespeare plays were originally performed. Preparing scenery for "Twelfth Night".
It's an awesome theatre with a capacity of 1400.....and most of the performances are sold out all summer. In addition there are two other indoor theatres that have afternoon and evening performances of Shakespeare and other contemporary plays as well. Needless to say Ashland is a very busy place in the summer.
Per taking a break one evening after setting up the stage for "Folklorico" a dance group from Mexico.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Little Trivia for You !!!!

One of the catagories at "Trivia" is "What Is It" play along.... can you guess what this is?? Give up yet? Well, it's a flowering artichoke and isn't it beautiful. Before they flower you can eat them, and we did, delicious and about 6-8 inches in diameter. I certainly have never seen an artichoke that big, nor the vibrant colored flower it creates. This beautiful artichoke plant is in our backyard and has 8 large purple blossoms on it.
Next one...."What Is It" guesses?.......c'mon........this sweet, gentle man whittles and sells magic sticks in Lithia Park. That's his cart filled to the brim with magic wands and spiritual sticks.....just in case you have a need for one.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

We finally found "Trivia" !!!!

Well, we've been living here exactly one year as of 8/2/2010 and are still loving it. We are so grateful to be living here surrounded by mountains and such beauty. Some of you know that we used to play Trivia at least once a week when we lived in Alpharetta, GA.....and we've been looking for Trivia here, karoke and open mic nights are much more popular. But, finally we found a place, Louie's, in downtown Ashland that has "Tuesday Night Trivia". What a blast!! Above is our team and friends......Ed and Lori Taylor. Yes, Ed does look like Santa........that's because he is !!! Each year he grows his beard and is the Ashland Santa Claus in our parade and lighting ceremony. He's the real deal !!
Another fabulous Green Show.........."Dance Kaleidoscope" from Indianapolis. Did I mention that we can see different great performers every evening (except Mondays) for free !!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just another day in Ashland !!

We were just enjoying a cup of coffee at a coffeehouse in Ashland........and these two golden statues come strolling in.....go figure....didn't know statues liked coffee !!!
Another Green Show........a group of young people from San Antonio, Texas playing and singing some wonderful Mariachi music.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Gretchen and Shaun's Visit

Things started out a little rough due to a plane delay and a missed connection in LA.......but things turned out just great and Gretchen and Shaun got to spend a little more time in Portland before visiting us in Talent. We had a great time seeing and doing all sorts of fun things together.
Here's pics of lunch, at one of our favorite coffeehouses, and shopping day in Jacksonville. Gretchen and I went shopping, Per stayed home, and Shaun took lots of pictures. In fact, that's what Shaun did alot of........
Here we are having lunch the Lodge at Crater Lake.....yum-yum !!!
I'm pretty sure Shaun enjoyed taking pictures at Crater Lake, last count was about 200, I think.
It was a cool day, about 55-60 degrees, with snow still on some of the slopes. The beauty all around was incredible.
Here's the happy couple now.......don't lean back, it's straight down.
See all the snow.......below? More pictures !!!
Yes, the water is really that's the bluest water in the world.
This is a picture of the Wellsprings Spa sign where we spent a relaxing evening, doing a little swimming and chatting in the natural hot springs pool and hot tub.........we really didn't think it was appropriate to take pictures of the actual pool and hot tub that evening, due to the fact that after 7:45 clothing is optional. NO ! NO! we kept our bathing suits on.....for sure.....but there were many who didn't.
Had to take Gretchen and Shaun to "Inti's" our favorite mexican restaurant. They have great food and the best Sangria too........something I hadn't had since the 70's.
Saw several Green Shows, of course, while G&S were here. This was our volunteer night at the "Info Table".....can you see G&S in the crowd........Shaun, oh yes taking pictures !!
This night was a group from Eugene, Oregon playing the Taiko Drums. Very cool !! Gretchen and Shaun enjoyed Henry the IV at the Shakespeare Festival and not pictured but fun was had by all.....was a visit to Harry & David's, a shopping day in Ashland, breakfast at the Talent Cafe, bulk shopping at Winnco, and of course a BananaGrams tourney!!