Monday, October 5, 2009

Green Show Volunteer

Yes, that's me working...the one with the short hair. Been volunteering for the Green Show at the Shakespeare Festival since we've been here. It's an outdoor variety show every evening 6:45 to 7:30, in the grassy area between the theatres in downtown Ashland. I did stage set up and tear down for the performers, and answered visitor's questions about our valley. It was fun being involved. The last evening I worked during this Green Show season, we saw a great Barbershop Quartet with humor. And...afterwards we were able to get 2 tickets to see the last performance of Macbeth. Different from what I remembered from high school....but don't think I finished that book. Sorry, Gretchen. Per was planning on helping also......but he got to watch instead this season, while I worked, due to his unfortunate motorcycle accident resulting in a broken leg. He's doing much better surgery.....healing.....and getting ready for the winter skiing, snow shoeing, and hiking season.

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